BMI-minirobot development
Comprehensive Practicum
Intensive course of two-week period
Prof. Wagatsuma (Kyutech)
Students construct mechanical joints as a simplified model of the robot body to learn its kinematics/kinetics by using CAD/CAM software and 3D printers, or they experience a basic brain-machine-interface (BMI) technique with EEG measurement equipment, depending on their perspectives and/or team organization. The mission of the course is to acquire theoretical and experimental methods on how machine can support human intentions and actions in the framework of assistive robotics, which is commonly important for advanced driver assistance systems. Students learn MATLAB for the biological signal processing and Robot Operating System (ROS) for the control module coordinating robot behaviors. This practicum is opening especially for energetic and talented students in Asian countries, which includes a selection process and possible options on travel supports, in the aim of contribution to future research/developments by bridging between Japan and foreign countries.